Webinar: CO2 Transport to Offshore Storage - May 30

Transport of CO2 emissions from Norwegian industry to offshore permanent storage. 

We know where the CO2 emissions are and where we have good storage options. How can we establish cost-effective CO2 transport solutions for a dispersed local industry to these permanent storage sites? How does the industry work with transport solutions, and what role should the Norwegian authorities take in this development? 


11:00-11:15 Local and Regional Transport of CO2 - Opportunities and Challenges by Audun Aspelund, KAN

11:15-11:30 Navigating CO2 Transport Challenges: Strategies for Mid-Size Emitters by Raphael Gadret, Eramet

11:30-11:45 The Role of the Authorities by Katrine Haukenes, Ministry of Energy

11:45-12:00 Norwegian Climate Cuts with CCS before 2030 by Karoline Sjøen, Haugalandet CCS

12:00-12:15 Logistics Study for CO2 Transport by Ketil Bergmann, Returkraft

12:15-12:30 How to Transport CO2 from the Plant at Klemetsrud: Some Challenges? by Tollef Hjermann, Hafslund Oslo Celsio

12:30-12:45 Roadmap for CO2 Infrastructure in Norway by Anette Mathisen, SINTEF

12:45-13:00 Discussion

Date: 30 May

Time: 11:00 – 13:00

Place: Teams

Language: The webinar will be held in Norwegian


Delegation programme for the Norwegian CCUS study trip to Denmark


CCUS Suppliers Forum 27 May