Webinar with Bellona Europa on the Industrial Carbon Management Strategy (ICMS)

Following the Commission's publication of the Industrial Carbon Management Strategy, this webinar evaluated the CCUS industry's and NGOs' positions on the strategy, to identify what's missing in the strategy, and what the next steps are for CCUS in Norway following this Strategic move from EU. 

The session kicked off with a brief introduction to CCUS Norway, before we were presented to the Industrial Carbon Management Strategy (ICMS). Hanna Biro, Policy Advisor at Bellona Europa presented Bellonas analysis on whether the strategy would deliver on the ambition on achieving the EU’s net zero target by 2050. The analysis of the ICMS was followed up by an expert panel discussion on what role this strategy will play for Norway. Here we got insight from Markus Sebastian Hole, Head of Public Affairs at Hafslund Oslo Celsio, Anne Marit Post-Melbye, Industry Lead at Miljøstiftelsen ZERO, Lina Strandvåg Nagell, Senior Manager at Bellona Europa

The webinar attendees concluded that the strategy sets important targets for the role of Carbon Management in reaching overall climate goals and bridge climate and industrial policy. It also reflects the urgent need to foster a market for low-carbon products, with the inclusion of concrete demand and supply side policy initiatives - crucial to advance industrial decarbonisation and to scale-up a full fledged CO2 market in Europe.

The key take aways from the webinar and panel debate is that the ICMS marks a step in the right direction to enable CCUS to play its necessary role on the path to net-zero, and that all actors welcome the proposed regulatory package for transport & storage that will aim to address ongoing challenges facing the development of a European CO2 market.Also the proposed planning mechanisms for infrastructure, information sharing, and clearer emission accounting rules is welcomed by all parties, but more clarity on the timelines of the European Commission's action points and implementation on regulation will be necessary. Clarity also on the areas relevant for CCUS in an environment and resource efficiency perspective is still needed, as well as insight on the energy requirement of powering these solutions.

Thanks to our experts in this panel – from Bellona, Zero and Celsio – for sharing their insights to us on the EU Industrial Carbon Management Strategy and its impact for Norway.


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CCUS Europe strategy webinar