CCU Forum Sept 6th

Welcome to the next CCU forum Wed Sept 6th 12-14. The forum will be held digitally.

The upcoming CCU forum agenda is now set, and we are happy to invite to a discussion and great examples around research of CCU.


12.00 Welcome from forum leaders w/ Antonio Oliveira and Ida M. Larsen, including CCUS Norge if any updates/info

12.10-12.25 Introduction of "Månedens CCU Bedrift"

Representative from Bergen Carbon Solutions “Get to know participants in the CCU Forum”

12.25-13.25 Examples of state-of-the-art/ongoing research in Norway.

      • Duncan Akporiaye, FME Bio4Fuels, SINTEF

      • Richard Heyn, Chief Scientist at SINTEF

13.25-13.50 CCUS Positionpaper

  • Open discussions, mingeling and questions

13.50 Sum up and thank you for attending!

14.00 End

If you would like to join the meeting, and your company is a member, send an email to and we will send you the link to the meeting.. The meeting will be held digitally.

If your company is not a member you may read more about how to join the network here : or send an email and we can schedule a meeting.


CO2 Storageforum October 16th


New CCUS Suppliers Forum Aug 22nd