Annual meeting

Thursday March 9th CCUS Norway had its annual meeting. At the same day we reached 50 members 👍

From the election at the annual meeting:
- Pål Mikkelsen (Stormkast Utvikling) was elected Head of the Board
- Ragni Rørtveit (Equinor) was elected Deputy Chairperson
- Mona Mølnvik (SINTEF) was elected board representative
- Frode Schjolden (Sarpsborg Avfallsenergi) was elected board representative
- Ingunn Saur Modahl (NORSUS) was elected board representative
- Jan Gabor (Mo Industripark), was elected board representative
- Anne Marit Post-Melbye (ZERO) was elected board representative
- Mina Fredrikke Jacobsen (Aker Carbon Capture) was elected deputy board representative
- Rune Dirdal (Kvitebjørn Bio-el) was elected deputy board representative

Ragnhild Jensen (Elkem) and Emil Yde Aasen (Aker Carbon Capture) were elected nomination committee.

Welcome 👏
CCUS Norway would like to give a warm welcome to new board members (Ragni, Mona, Jan, Anne and Mina), and members who have been on the board since the establishment and now been elected for the coming period (Pål, Ingunn, Frode and Rune).

🙏 We would also like to give a warm thank you to board members who were part of the establishment, and part of building the organisation to were it is today; Egil Erstad, Jon Hermansen, Reinier van Noort and Knut-Harald Bakke.

✅ We now look forward to the continued work in CCUS Norway, and to position CCUS Norway as a national competence centre for CCUS and contribute to promoting CCUS opportunities.✅

📷 The collage below shows some of the activities in 2022 - where the members worked together - shared knowledge and experiences about environmentally and resource-efficient capture, use and storage of CO2. The members also worked together on a position paper that was published in January: which lays the foundation of the work ahead.


Endrava provides tools for the green transition


22.3 CO2 Storage Forum